About the project

The project PlayInc (Let’s all children PLAY INClusion: sharing a common approach for adapted sports addressed to disabled and non-disabled children), with a partnership of 5 organizations coming from 4 different countries – AICS (Italy), UCEC (Spain), HLA (Croatia) and CSIT (Austria) – led by the sport club Around Sport (Italy), has the goal of promoting social inclusion of children with disabilities through sport.

The project focuses on the inclusion in organized sport activities of children with motor and cognitive disabilities together with non-disabled ones up to 13 years old, standing on the belief that, in order to produce better personal and social improvements in the disabled individual, the direct inclusion is the key.

Starting from the sharing of the national experiences, coaches, technicians and managers will work on the development of the PlayInc toolkit that will include: 1 guideline, 1 video and 1 catalogue of adapted sports. The toolkit is addressed to coaches, managers and families who are interested in knowing more about how to promote sport activities addressed to disabled and non-disabled children together.

All the outputs of the project will be gathered in the PlayInc online platform that will be designed according to the needs mapped involving the target groups. The platform will be free for anyone so that will be a tool to spread the knowledge developed during the projects to coaches and managers interested in learning how to adapt sports in order to include children with cognitive and motor disabilities.

This project aims at being a first step in the establishment of community that share a common approach in the field of inclusive sports addressed to children with disability: the PlayInc approach!