- Brief description
- Context and needs
- Activities and rules
- Location, environment and equipment
- Method
- Side Activities
- Target
- Impact
Traditional sport games are a series of Inclusive activities which contain bases of popular traditional sports (tug of war, jumping in sacks and bocce) with adaptations that facilitate access to children with disabilities in sport activities together with other children. With unique set of rules in team composition, it enables engagement of all participants by fulfilling their basic physical needs. Rules reduce marginalization in the activity because teams are heterogenic (include children with disabilities and without disabilities) in all 3 games. Because of the simplicity of games and rules, the activities can be carried out both on an outdoor field or in nature. The particularity of activities is possibility to participate in various number format, activities need only few props and it can be played anywhere in the outdoor. Since traditional sports and games have traditional values and were most certainly played by older generations like parents and grandparents, it is an activity that can stimulate intergenerational dialogue and socialization.
Traditional sports and games create a sense of belonging because all participants are involved in the activity at the same time as a group. By playing together at the same time (e.g., pulling the rope in tug of war together) the activity focuses on putting every participant in a position that can contribute in its own way to the game. Traditional values of the activity also bring parents closer to children and inform them about the importance of inclusive activities. With simplified activities coaches can explore the possibilities of adapting games or adding new games depending on the participants capabilities and needs.
Traditional sport games are played in teams by 2-6 are no limitations to the number of teams. The activity is divided in 3 games which are played separately. Each game has its own rules and is scored differently. In each game teams must be heterogeneous consisting at least 1 child with disability and 1 child without disability. Depending on the number of participants, teams can have more participants but must have an equal number of persons of a certain group of participants in each team (children without disabilities, children without disabilities). For example, teams can be consisted of 6 participants: 4 children with disabilities and 2 children without disabilities. For each game, parents/elderly persons can be included in the game as participants to provide added value in intergenerational cooperation. The rules for certain game are as follows:
- Tug of War – the game that pits two teams against each other in a test of strength: teams pull on opposite ends of a rope, with the goal being to bring the rope a certain distance in one direction against the force of the opposing team’s pull. There are no rule adaptations apart from the composition of the team.
- Jumping in sacks – teams are consisted of 2 participants (child with disabilities and child without disabilities). Both of participants place both of their legs inside a sack that reaches their waist or neck and hop forward together from a starting point toward a finish line.
Location: Outdoor field, nature.
Environment: Activity can be carried out anywhere in nature or on an outdoor field as long as the surface is flat. Since the playing field doesn’t need to be specially marked, it is recommended to place this activity in nature.
Equipment: ropes, sacks, balls
Peculiarity of the activity is in heterogenic group of participants that implies that inclusion should be something normal. Playing traditional and sport games also provides learning opportunity for both coaches and participants about participants capabilities.
Format of the team and ratio between children with and without disabilities as the most affective rule makes this activity inclusive. Ratio puts children with disabilities in focus of the activity and helps them be more active in the game.
Furthermore, simplifying the game with the goal of inclusion of all participants equally makes the game more fluent and reachable. For example, in bocce instead of regular balls made of metal or wood, they are made out of soft material to limit risks of participants getting hurt and to ease their access.
Also, coaches and families through mentoring and participating in activities increase communication skills and give insight to families about the importance of inclusive activities.
Side activity is an intergenerational dialogue with the goal of exchanging knowledge and experiences between educators, coaches, families and children on effective ways of inclusion of children with disabilities through an open communication. Through the dialogue on topic of “social and sports integration of children with disabilities” parents and children would be able to openly discuss about the positive and negative aspects of the integration of children with disabilities into society. The activity can be carried out as a simple non formal activity during the breaks between activities.
Non disabled children under age 13 – 1-3 players per team
Disabled children under age 13 – 1-3 players per team
Coaches and associates from sports organizations – 1 coach per team
Experts and associates working with children with disabilities
Parents – 1 per team for side activity
By encouraging of playing traditional sport and games children improve their motor, cognitive and social skills in a different way which is something new and exciting for them. It also brings them closer to parents and elderly people through and intergenerational socializing encouraged by traditional games. Such games remove children stigma in practicing sports with the thought of becoming a professional athlete. Activities focus on creating environment based on joy and fun in which coaches have the opportunity to manage heterogenic teams, their relationships with parents and society in general.
PlayInc Key Aspects
Sport activities meet the key aspects by playing in heterogenic teams in which the ratio between children with and without disabilities enable equal access and puts everyone in a position to express their full potential. With tug of war, jumping in sacks and bocce, everyone gets involved and the activities rules and play is fairly simple. The activities itself are easily managed by coaches and can include parents as well which is great for knowledge sharing, communication and promoting values of inclusive activities.
Contact the organisation

Name: Health Life Academy Association (HLA)
Web: https://healthlifeacademy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/akademijazdravogzivljenja
E-Mail: info@healthlifeacademy.com